Persia Lady Carrot and Saffron Ice Cream

Persian Bliss Milkshake with Saffron Ice Cream

This Persian Bliss Milkshake offers a harmonious blend of flavors.

Persian Bliss Milkshake with Saffron Ice Cream


  • 2 scoops Persia Lady Saffron Ice Cream
  • 1 cup carrot juice, freshly pressed and chilled
  • ½ cup whole milk, cold
  • 1 teaspoon rosewater
  • Crushed ice, as needed
  • Dried edible rosebuds, for garnish


Prepare the Glass:

Chill a tall milkshake glass in the freezer for at least 15 minutes to keep the milkshake cold and refreshing.


Blend the Milkshake:

In a blender, combine the Persia Lady Saffron Ice Cream, carrot juice, cold milk, and rosewater. Add a handful of crushed ice to keep the mixture cold. Blend until smooth and creamy.


Garnish and Serve:

Pour the milkshake into the chilled glass. Garnish the top with a few dried edible rosebuds for a touch of elegance and a subtle hint of floral aroma.


Optional Enhancements:

For an added luxurious touch, you can drizzle a bit of honey inside the glass before pouring the milkshake or top with a light sprinkle of crushed pistachios along with the rosebuds.


Description of Taste:

This Persian Bliss Milkshake offers a harmonious blend of flavors. The saffron ice cream provides a creamy, luxurious base with subtle floral notes and an alluring aroma. The natural sweetness and earthy undertone of the carrot juice complement the exotic saffron, while the rosewater adds a delicate floral hint that elevates the beverage. The milk rounds out the texture, making it rich yet sippable. The rosebud garnish not only adds beauty but also infuses a gentle rose scent with each sip, enhancing the overall sensory experience of this opulent treat.